Namespace: WebGL

Phaser.Types.Renderer. WebGL

Type Definitions


  • object
Name Type Argument Default Description
scale number <optional>

A value between 0 and 1. Controls the size of this Render Target in relation to the Renderer. A value of 1 matches it. 0.5 makes the Render Target half the size of the renderer, etc.

minFilter number <optional>

The minFilter mode of the texture. 0 is LINEAR, 1 is NEAREST.

autoClear boolean <optional>

Controls if this Render Target is automatically cleared (via gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) during the bind.

Since: 3.50.0
Source: src/renderer/webgl/typedefs/RenderTargetConfig.js (Line 1)


  • object
Name Type Description
enum GLenum

The data type of the attribute, i.e. gl.BYTE, gl.SHORT, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, gl.FLOAT, etc.

size number

The size, in bytes, of the data type.

Since: 3.50.0
Source: src/renderer/webgl/typedefs/WebGLConst.js (Line 1)


  • object
Name Type Description
name string

The name of the attribute as defined in the vertex shader.

size number

The number of components in the attribute, i.e. 1 for a float, 2 for a vec2, 3 for a vec3, etc.

type GLenum

The data type of the attribute. Either gl.BYTE, gl.SHORT, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT or gl.FLOAT.

offset number

The offset, in bytes, of this attribute data in the vertex array. Equivalent to offsetof(vertex, attrib) in C.

normalized boolean

Should the attribute data be normalized?

enabled boolean

You should set this to false by default. The pipeline will enable it on boot.

location number

You should set this to -1 by default. The pipeline will set it on boot.

Since: 3.50.0
Source: src/renderer/webgl/typedefs/WebGLPipelineAttribute.js (Line 1)


  • object
Name Type Argument Default Description
name string

The name of the attribute as defined in the vertex shader.

size number

The number of components in the attribute, i.e. 1 for a float, 2 for a vec2, 3 for a vec3, etc.

type Phaser.Types.Renderer.WebGL.WebGLConst

The data type of the attribute, one of the WEBGL_CONST values, i.e. WEBGL_CONST.FLOAT, WEBGL_CONST.UNSIGNED_BYTE, etc.

normalized boolean <optional>

Should the attribute data be normalized?

Since: 3.50.0
Source: src/renderer/webgl/typedefs/WebGLPipelineAttributesConfig.js (Line 1)


  • object
Name Type Argument Default Description
game Phaser.Game

The Phaser.Game instance that owns this pipeline.

name string <optional>

The name of the pipeline.

topology GLenum <optional>

How the primitives are rendered. The default value is GL_TRIANGLES. Here is the full list of rendering primitives: (

vertShader string <optional>

The source code, as a string, for the vertex shader. If you need to assign multiple shaders, see the shaders property.

fragShader string <optional>

The source code, as a string, for the fragment shader. Can include %count% and %forloop% declarations for multi-texture support. If you need to assign multiple shaders, see the shaders property.

batchSize number <optional>

The number of quads to hold in the batch. Defaults to RenderConfig.batchSize. This amount * 6 gives the vertex capacity.

vertexSize number <optional>

The size, in bytes, of a single entry in the vertex buffer. Defaults to Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * 6 + Uint8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * 4.

vertices Array.<number> | Float32Array <optional>

An optional Array or Typed Array of pre-calculated vertices data that is copied into the vertex data.

attributes Phaser.Types.Renderer.WebGL.WebGLPipelineAttributesConfig <optional>

An array of shader attribute data. All shaders bound to this pipeline must use the same attributes.

shaders Array.<Phaser.Types.Renderer.WebGL.WebGLPipelineShaderConfig> <optional>

An array of shaders, all of which are created for this one pipeline. Uses the vertShader, fragShader, attributes and uniforms properties of this object as defaults.

forceZero boolean <optional>

Force the shader to use just a single sampler2d? Set for anything that extends the Single Pipeline.

renderTarget boolean | number | Array.<Phaser.Types.Renderer.WebGL.RenderTargetConfig> <optional>

Create Render Targets for this pipeline. Can be a number, which determines the quantity, a boolean (sets quantity to 1), or an array of Render Target configuration objects.

Since: 3.50.0
Source: src/renderer/webgl/typedefs/WebGLPipelineConfig.js (Line 1)


  • object
Name Type Argument Description
name string <optional>

The name of the shader. Doesn't have to be unique, but makes shader look-up easier if it is.

vertShader string <optional>

The source code, as a string, for the vertex shader. If not given, uses the Phaser.Types.Renderer.WebGL.WebGLPipelineConfig.vertShader property instead.

fragShader string <optional>

The source code, as a string, for the fragment shader. Can include %count% and %forloop% declarations for multi-texture support. If not given, uses the Phaser.Types.Renderer.WebGL.WebGLPipelineConfig.fragShader property instead.

attributes Phaser.Types.Renderer.WebGL.WebGLPipelineAttributesConfig <optional>

An array of shader attribute data. All shaders bound to this pipeline must use the same attributes.

Since: 3.50.0
Source: src/renderer/webgl/typedefs/WebGLPipelineShaderConfig.js (Line 1)


  • object
Name Type Description
name string

The name of the uniform as defined in the shaders.

location WebGLUniformLocation

The pipeline will set it when the program is linked.

value1 any

The cached value1.

value2 any

The cached value2.

value3 any

The cached value3.

value4 any

The cached value4.

Since: 3.50.0
Source: src/renderer/webgl/typedefs/WebGLPipelineUniformsConfig.js (Line 1)